quarta-feira, 28 de julho de 2010


Tá na hora de começar a arrumar as malas.
E ir recarregar as baterias vitais.
Espero postar ao longo da jornada!

sexta-feira, 23 de julho de 2010

Le Parkour

E voce achando que Le Parkour era uma coisa nova.

Este video eh de 1930.

quinta-feira, 22 de julho de 2010


Achei digno.

Botaoteca - Instant Button Eu sou Rica

segunda-feira, 19 de julho de 2010


Basicamente, a historia japonesa, diz que o menino Momotaro, que quer dizer, momo=pessego e taro= filho mais velho, apareceu dentro de um pessego, descoberto por uma velha senhora, que o levou pra casa para ser seu filho.
Numa outra variante, a senhora levou esse pessego achado para casa, comeu e rejuvenesceu. Seu marido velho tambem chegou em casa, comeu tambem o pessego e tambem rejuvenesceu. Naquela noite, o casal que nao tinha filhos, concebeu o seu primeiro filho, que foi chamado de Momotaro.


Momotarō (桃太郎?) is a popular hero from Japanese folklore. His name literally means Peach Tarō; as Tarō is a common Japanese boy's name, it is often translated as Peach Boy. Momotarō is also the title of various books, films, and other works that portray the tale of this hero.


According to the present form of the tale (dating to the Edo period), Momotarō came to Earth inside a giant peach, which was found floating down a river by an old, childless woman who was washing clothes there. The woman and her husband discovered the child when they tried to open the peach to eat it. The child explained that he had been sent by Heaven to be their son. The couple named him Momotarō, from momo (peach) and tarō (eldest son in the family).
An older form of the story has the old, childless woman discover the giant, floating peach and take it home with her, as she finds it to be of good color and tasty-looking. After eating a piece of the peach, the old woman is suddenly rejuvenated and regains the beauty of her youth. When her old husband comes home from the hills, he is astounded to find a dazzling young lady in his house. At first he does not even recognize his own wife in her rejuvenated form, but she explains to him how she has picked up an unusual peach floating in the river and brought it home to eat it and was magically transformed. She then gives her husband a piece of the peach to eat, and he also regains his youthful vigor. That night, the newly invigorated couple make love, and the woman becomes pregnant as a result. She eventually gives birth to their first child, a son, whom they name Tarō, as that is a common Japanese name for a first son.
Years later, Momotarō left his parents for an island called Onigashima to destroy the marauding oni (demons or ogres) that dwelt there. En route, Momotarō met and befriended a talking dog, monkey, and pheasant, who agreed to help him in his quest. At the island, Momotarō and his animal friends penetrated the demons' fort and beat the demons' leader, Ura, as well as his army, into surrendering. Momotarō returned home with his new friends, and his family lived comfortably from then on.
Momotarō is strongly associated with Okayama, and his tale may have its origins there. The demon island of the story is sometimes associated with Megijima Island (an island in the Inland Sea near Takamatsu) due to the vast manmade caves found on that island.

Fonte Wikipedia.


So, John Mayer has a new tattoo. Ok, not so new, but the latest one at this one.
Why am I writing in english? I don`t know. I think it`s because I am hearing him speaking english.
Vamos mudar o cerebro pra portugues.
Entao, o John tava aqui me contando na webcam que a tatuagem dele do pessego,  no pulso,
nao é por causa do estado da Georgia, que ele ama tanto, e que eu mesmo pensava que era.
Na verdade, é por causa de uma lenda japonesa de um garoto chamado Momotarō (桃太郎), que fala basicamente sobre juventude, e aproveitar e vida e tal. Explicarei no proximo post.
Então é isso, para o John, vida longa, saúde e prosperidade.

sábado, 10 de julho de 2010


Tem coisa melhor que fazer planos?
Bom, concordo tambem que realizá-los também é muito gratificante, mas os planos duram mais.
Desejo que você sempre sonhe e planeje.

domingo, 4 de julho de 2010


This is one of, and current top, my dreams.
(E essa biscate ainda conseguiu colocar uma placa Cullen.)